You reduce your costs of paying providers by decreasing the need to print paper checks and cancel and re-print lost and stolen checks. With the reduced costs, your company can greatly decrease:
Staff that was previously utilized to print and mail checks can be utilized more efficiently.
A majority of complaint calls are of the "where is my check" variety, requiring both accounting and program staff to research responses. Agencies that have implemented the PayCard™ system have been able to re-assign employees responding to service provider complaints to other duties. PayCard™ provides a toll-free customer service number with representatives available 24/7 to respond to service provider needs or questions regarding use of our prepaid debit cards.
The verification for IRS purposes for individuals who you are issuing a 1099 will be performed at time of sign-up. Based on experience in California, pre-payment verification reduces improper payments and eliminates IRS inquiries into 1099 submissions.